We want you to be informed about your water supply.
Shiloh Water Customers,
With the passage of the American Infrastructure Law, the Environmental Protection Agency has mandated that public water suppliers create a “service line inventory” to identify the material used in all the water service lines in our system. Shiloh Water is in the process of gathering data to complete our service line inventory to submit to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Shiloh Water can verify through our records that homes that were built in 1981 and after have copper service lines installed so we are only interested in homes built before that date. We are confident that we do not have any lead service lines in the system, but we need objective evidence to submit to the PA DEP.
You may have noticed a note on your last water bill asking you to give the Manager of Shiloh Water a call. What we are interested in is a picture of your water meter including the pipe that comes through the wall. The pipe coming through the wall is the service line and we are looking for a picture to verify that it is copper, not lead. The picture can be set via text to 717-309-1244 or emailed to shilohwater@comcast.net. Please include your address in the text or email so can create our service line inventory.
You may receive a letter in the near future requesting this information if we have not received a picture from you.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Jim Bentzel, Jr. Chairman, West Manchester Township Authority
Posted: 7/15/24
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For Online Bill Pay, Please Note: An additional customer fee will be charged of 2.45% or a minimum of $3.00.
No additional fees to setup Direct Debit Form to make payments.
Attention: Balances over 90 days old will be charged 6% per year billed quarterly